A Universe of Virtual Worlds

Wagner James Au has been covering the idea of the metaverse for decades. He was the first embedded journalist inside the world of Second Life, the early virtual world from Linden Lab. And now he’s back with his own book about the met averse, the universe of virtual worlds that are all interconnected.

Au’s book is a kind of spiritual sequel of his earlier titles, The Making of Second Life and Game Design Secrets. It’s a book about exploring nascent metaverse platforms that have already captured the imagination of millions. It includes interviews with people like metaverse creator Neal Stephenson and it tries to cut through the myths and misconceptions around it. Rather than favoring walled-garden approaches that the big tech companies favor, Au prefers a grassroots and open view of the metaverse. And he tackles a variety of controversies and challenges of taking the ideas of the metaverse to the mainstream.